Ludum Dare 25 post-mortem

Last weekend was the 25th edition of Ludum Dare, the online 48-hour game development competition. My entry was called Fry Fleshlings Fast, a somewhat constrained effort due to time restrictions (but still a fun effort, of course). I have just published a post-mortem about its development on Ludum Dare’s official blog denoting what went right and […]

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Broken promises of HTML5

Chris Heilmann (Principal Developer Evangelist of the Mozilla Developer Network) recently talked at HTML5DevCon San Francisco on HTML5 and the state of the web right now. This is the video of his 1-hour talk: I’d say it is spot on. Overselling and overbuying the state of HTML5 technology – by people either too ignorant to […]

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The rise of the creative class

Tim Stutts from PushPopDesign wrote a very apt post titled “Who works with creative coders?“, analyzing the responsibilities of what’s assumed to be creative coders and listing a bunch of (great) companies in the process. Choice quote: The world is also no longer flat, but fully 3D, immersive, augmented, to the point where traditional design […]

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So, TypeScript

Microsoft has just unveiled TypeScript, a new JavaScript-like language that compiles to regular JavaScript. It adds a lot of syntactical features to the platform, many of them coming from the ECMAScript 6 (“Harmony”) proposals. It has the pedigree to be great – as Mark Rendle wrote: It’s been known for some time that Anders Hejlsberg […]

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Hey, there’s something new around here!

I’ve finally redesigned this website’s WordPress theme. Can you believe the old one was already 4 years old? It’s a much simpler design, now – less clutter, more focused on a pleasant reading experience (the content is still the same, though, so don’t get your hopes up). I’ve designed and coded the themes I’ve used in […]

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