50 years of BASIC

The BASIC language is now 50 years old. TIME Magazine has a cool article on it and how it came to be. When I started using computers, first with a ZX81 clone, then an Apple II clone, and then a MSX 1.0 clone, BASIC was the only thing that I knew exusted. It was synonym […]

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Celebrating 4 years in New York

As of tomorrow, June 25th, I’ll have been in New York for four years. I wrote a little bit about the experience shortly after arriving in the city, as much as a reminder for myself and as a way to explain my point of view to friends. I don’t like the idea of that lingering […]

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Farewell Hell’s Kitchen

About 20 years ago, I was reading a Daredevil comic book story and it mentioned the neighborhood where most of the story takes place. It was called Hell’s Kitchen, and it translates to “Cozinha do Inferno” in Brazilian Portuguese (the language of the comic I was reading it in). I thought that was a funny name and had […]

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Something I just remembered

Roughly 17 years ago, I was in love with QuickBasic. After a while using GWBasic (not to mention years of using BASIC on other systems, such as the Brazilian Sinclair ZX81 clone TK-85, the MSX 1.0, and the Apple II), QuickBasic was a real milestone in my life. It was when I changed from using […]

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Attending Campus Party

This week I’ll be working from Campus Party, so for the curious, I’ll be doing small twitter updates (mostly in Brazilian Portuguese) from there. I won’t do any kind of live coverage or public reporting or anything, since I’ll be there mostly to see friends (in the Games area) though, but if anyone else is […]

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The end of the end

When I went back to college, 4 years ago, most of my peers thought the decision was commendable but kind of crazy – I had already been working for 11 years in the interface development field, and people who hired me couldn’t care less if I had a degree or not; not that it wouldn’t […]

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