Website spotlight: Still-alive

What a load of news on the past few days, uh? I mean, Apollo is now AIR, a new beta version of the Flash Player includes plenty of goodness (including mip map support when resizing images, goodbye Moiré effects!), Apple presents a lot of stuff (including a glimpse of id Software’s next project!)… exciting times. […]

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Other Papervision3D + Tweener examples

This is totally random, but just because I’ve seen a good bit of those recently, and because I haven’t posted in a while, here are some examples of Papervision3D and Tweener working together. Most of these are in Japanese, but still understandable for the most part – hey, it’s just Flash in 3d. Here you […]

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Great barely known Actionscript blogs

You know, MXNA is such a marvelous community asset, and I read it everyday, but sometimes I’m awestruck by Flash blogs that aren’t featured on it. For some reason, this has become specially common recently, so here’s some of the valuable blogs I can’t get enough, but yet, that most development people would normally miss […]

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iTunes-like interface in Flash

Well, it was just a matter of time: Steven D of BLITZ Agency has posted a new experiment on the BLITZ Labs where he uses PaperVision3D to mimic iTunes’ 3d covers interface in Flash. Granted, one of the reasons I’m excited to post about it here is that he also happens to use Tweener to […]

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FlashDevelop 3.0.0 Alpha released

I’d like to ignore the redundancy of this post and forward the news that my favorite AS/HTML/TXT/XML editor has reached version 3.0.0 Alpha with the promise of a major interface and feature overhaul. While some features – such as UTF-8 conversion – appear to be broken, it’s still in Alpha state so it’s a very […]

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Tweening by code comes to WPF

Darren David has just released the first public version of his tweening classes for Microsoft’s WPF. Called “PennerDoubleAnimation” and “Animator”, they’re hosted at Google Code and help developers create animations by code more easily while fighting some specific WPF caveats. To quote, I had three primary goals in mind: * Be able to start an […]

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Another one dusts off the bytes

It is my utmost pleasure to announce that my not-very-old chap Nate Chatellier now has a blog. For those of you wondering, Nate is the mind behind the Actionscript 3 version of Tweener; he was the one who ported the original AS2 code to AS3 and while we now keep the AS2 and AS3 version […]

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