is looking for a SilverLight developer

Top-level Brazilian agency Gringo is looking for a SilverLight developer. Gringo is located in São Paulo, Brazil, and this is for an on-site role. Details follow (in Brazilian Portuguese). Enfim, a Gringo precisa de um profissional SilverLight pra se juntar à sua equipe supercompetente de desenvolvedores. O candidato ideal irá trampar a princípio de agora […]

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Google Analytics does better Flash tracking

This is news to me: Google Analytics is updating their tracking features and adding better support for Flash tracking – it was possible before, but it’s just getting more native, as Google is even providing an AS3-based framework for that. Below’s the email that I’ve received through my Google Analytics admin account. We are happy […]

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Ideas for Adobe Alchemy ports

As everybody knows by now, Adobe has made Alchemy – their C/C++ compiler for AVM2 (AS3-ish) SWF bytecode – available for download. We’ve seen highly visual demos, like Doom, and the old Quake 1 video where we got the first glimpse of what would become Alchemy. They’re very cool to show, and there’s some additional […]

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ANSI art, ActionScript 3 style

ANSI art visualization in the browser has matured: meet Peter Nitsch‘s AS3-based ANSI Viewer. He talks about it a bit more here. That work led him to create as3ansi, an ANSI parsing and visualization library for ActionScript 3. There’s a lot more about that here, with some sample code to illustrate; his event-driven ANSI parsing […]

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AIR 1.5 is out, Fnk follows suit

Holy deployables, Adobe has silently made AIR 1.5 available for installation today. Among other things, it now supports Flash 10; you can find more information here (source: Jen deHaan). As I’ve just been waiting for it, I’ve now made my own crazy application/language/editor/experiment Fnk available as an AIR 1.5 application. You can install it from […]

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Letting the Fnk out

Almost 4 years ago I went back to college, to get a “Digital Interface Design” bachelor degree. This meant putting on hold a lot of things in my personal and professional life, but it also meant having contact with a lot of new stuff. One of those new things I had contact with was node-based […]

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