What the hell: Flash Player 7 beta released

From the “everybody-knows-that-by-now-but-I-will-announce-it-anyways” department: the Flash Player 7 has been released by Macromedia! It’s a public beta, so it’s not really fit for every user, but developers will surely love it. Remember when I said I’d love to test my slow stuff on the new player? Well, here’s some tests I’ve ran on my computer.

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Remote driving with Flash

I hate to repeat stuff that’s already out there, but this is just too cool to let it pass. Marcos Weskamp has created a remote driver application in Flash – more information and the application itself here – in which you can remotely drive a small RC car on their office. It’s pretty cool just […]

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Flash pathfinding prototype

After all kinds of tweaking, I’ve finally finished a more or less fast and stable pathfinding algorithm in Flash. It’s a prototype (well, just a function in fact) in which you pass a map, a start point and an end point as parameters and it returns an array containing the best path between the two […]

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New internal RDF format

I’ve modified the internal RDF 1.0 template so it won’t include news items with no “Flash” category in it anymore. This way it won’t add misc/general items to MXNA‘s Flash category and contribute to the flood of off-topic articles. A full RDF feed will still be at this new location.

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Happy Birthday, Famicom!

Today – June 15th – is Famicom‘s 20th anniversary, as it was made obvious by Nintendo and the release of the new GBA SP weird-famicom-color edition. Famicom – short for Family Computer – was the first “third generation” game console. It was later released on the western world as the NES – Nintendo Entertainment System […]

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Mode 7 in Flash redux

Now that’s fast. Some weeks ago a new technique for Mode 7 emulation in Flash – or Z-mapping as real programmers would call it – was introduced by PercyPea on a FlashKit forum thread. Now, a full-featured game using a similar technique has been developed and is on testing – here’s the full scope on […]

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Jonas Galvez opens his blog

Jonas Galvez – brazilian Flash developer and Macromedia Team member – has opened his blog, in brazilian portuguese and english flavors. Jonas has been writing articles and news posts at OnRelease.org, but finally decided to create a place of his own. Also worth mentioning is the page design (and way cool illustration) by Irapuan Martinez.

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Mame jump movie

While there are no other news, here’s something to entertain the masses. More hilarious than the Zelda/Link music movie, at least to people who can recognize the games. That guy is insane, by the way. Check his other Flash movies.

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