Tile-based engines tutorials

TonyPa (one of the guys who were helping me optimize my pathfinding routines recently) has published a series of lessons teaching about the art of creating tile based games on Flash. Most of this work is based on Klas Kroon’s OutsideOfSociety wonderful work, which speaks a lot for the quality of the material. Source: OutsideOfSociety

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A change of direction

I get it now. I feel kind of stupid for not realizing it before, or for not realizing the whole magnitude of it: Macromedia isn’t on the “web site” tools market anymore; they’re on the distributed application market. Oscar Trelles realized it too. I’ll tell you, it took me long enough to stop, look at […]

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Flash MX 2004: scale and rotate dialog

Since Flash MX 2004 has been introduced by Macromedia, people has been hacking around with one of its most powerful development features: JSFL, the JavaScript-like macro feature that helps you create new commands, tools and effects to be executed within the Flash authoring tool. Unfortunatelly, this feature/language is largely undocumented, so Flash coders all around […]

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Mozilla Firebird

For some odd reason, I – literally – woke up today and visited mozilla.org to check their latest browser incarnation, Firebird. I had heard a bit about this new browser – most notably Jonas Galvez comments and softwaregod Joel Sposky’s opinnion – but I wasn’t really thrilled to test it. I’ve been a diehard Netscape […]

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FontLab still digs pixel fonts

Now this is kind of ironic. Just after the “the death of the pixel font” article I posted a couple of days ago, comes the news that Fontlab is in fact investing some efforts in the pixel-emulating font creation. I’ve just received an announcement from the Typophile e-mail news feed. To quote:

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The death of the pixel font

Everybody knows: Macromedia Studio MX 2004 has been announced by Macromedia, and that includes Flash MX 2004 in two flavors: standard or professional. The bomb is out there, and now there are lots of features that will have to be assimilated by the Flash hacking crowd. One of the Flash features that received a long-awaited […]

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Flash pathfinding, again

After tons of help and suggestions by the critical eyes of tonypa at a GotoAndPlay forum thread, my original pathfinding algorithm has been optimized quite a bit and published at GotoAndPlay’s article/prototype library. The source for that Advance Wars-based map has also been published here; I forgot to do that before. There has been quite […]

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