W3C to create RIA standards using a lot of acronyms

Among other things, the W3C is now looking to develop new standards for rich user interface applications. To quote, The W3C Web Application Formats Working Group is chartered to develop languages for client-side Web Application development. (…) This deliverable should be based on an existing application/UI format, such as Mozilla’s XUL, Microsoft’s XAML, Macromedia’s MXML […]

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Erik Spiekermann speaks

Japanese website PingMag has an interview (in english) with everybody’s favorite german type designer, Erik Spiekermann. It’s pretty lengthy and pretty cool – instead of focusing on the obvious (the history of MetaDesign and so on), it goes pretty deep into typography itself. Source: OS X Code (r,s)

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David Hayward on Videogame Aesthetics

David Hayward (a level designer involved with Alien Swarm, among others) wrote an interesting article entitled Videogame Aesthetics: The Future. It’s a really long article talking about the aesthetics of games nowadays. It mainly talks about how games are evolving and how the general aesthetics are getting closer to photorealism – and the problems and […]

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Defence Alliance 2 Beta 1 released

Yesterday, the first public version of Defence Alliance 2 (Beta 1) was finally released. Defence Alliance 2 is an assault mod, featuring custom gameplay (new maps, weapons) and character classes (a la Team Fortress). Most of it has been done before, but I like to believe DA2 has put been put together quite well. The […]

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Raycasting in Flash 8

Using what’s he’s calling the Flash Ray Engine, Glen Rhodes ported a version of id Software’s game Wolfenstein 3d to Flash 8. It’s working pretty nice, and is a great glimpse of what’s ahead on the future of Flash 8 games. Raycasting engines had been ported before to Flash 7, but they were too slow; […]

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Start a disaster relief fund, get busted by PayPal

With the recent Katrina Katrina Hurricane aftermath going on up north, a lot of donation services have been set up. Some sites also created fundraisers to help the people affected by the hurricane. Such was the case with everybody’s prefered interweb stupidity mill, SomeThingAwful.com. However, half a day after they started their donation campaign – […]

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Google Talk released, works with Miranda

So one of the biggest interweb rumors so far came out to be true: Google has released their own IM client, Google Talk. Thankfully, it uses the Jabber/XMPP protocol, so the best non-proprietary IMs around are already able to support this new service. I’m a firm Miranda user, but Miranda isn’t listed on Google’s compatible […]

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Top 3 Flash 8 features, according to me

Right now, everybody and their mother are talking about Flash 8. I’ll just add a bit more echo to the choir and speak about I think are the coolest features about this new version. 3. Improved readability. With the new font rendering algorithm, Flash will finally get rid of the blurred mess of vector art […]

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