FIFA World Cup 2006 draws closer

Unless you have been living under a ball in the past few months, you should know that the FIFA World Cup 2006 on Germany will start in about one week. Most of the world will stop to see how the 32 selected countries will do in this that’s the most popular single sport tournament in […]

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Robert Penner updates his easing equations page

Everybody’s equation hero Robert Penner has updated his easing equations page. Worth of note now is that his equations are now licensed under BSD, that he has added a few more links to the page and, more importantly, that he’s hosting the entire tweening chapter of his book on the site on the form of […]

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First official Flash 8 work

Well, it has begun. Apparently, we don’t even need the good news that Flash Player 8 adoption has been faster than all other versions: just a mention of some of the new features (specially related to video and the new express install) was enough to convince the client that Flash 8 was the better option. […]

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Final draw for the World Cup groups

It’s today! The final draw for the Germany World Cup 2006 groups will be held on Leipzig, Germany, at 20:15 CET – 32 teams will be distributed between 8 groups with 4 national teams each (from each group, 2 teams will be qualified for the final rounds). What’s cool about this is that FIFA has […]

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