New gotoAndLearn website

The year of 2008 starts with a bang as Lee Brimelow releases version 2 of the gotoAndLearn website. There are plenty of Flash and Actionscript tutorial videos featured on the website, including video, sound, and 3d, and I’m quite pleasured to find one of them being about animating with Tweener. Thanks, Lee! (also, thanks to […]

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BulkLoader is released

Arthur Debert – lead developer at Gringo and also one of the contributors to Tweener – has just released his new ActionScript 3 loading class, BulkLoader, publicly. The class allows you to load data from files in an streamlined way, and provides a series of features – like maximum number of retries, cache bypass, and […]

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Hydra changes, adds new head

Adobe is gearing up for the next release of their AIF Toolkit – the editor/preview tool for the shader revolution that’ll arrive with Flash 10 – and they have some small/big changes for the next version. I’ve been working on the next version of the toolkit and I’m hoping it will make a bunch of […]

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Firstborn has a new website

North-American studio Firstborn releases their new portfolio, not only showcasing 10 years of a great collection of websites developed but also showing how Flash can be integrated with the browser to allow full history navigation and bookmarking. The result’s pretty good, and a website worth exploring. Also, apparently they’re still looking for people to join […]

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Three Tweener tips

Arthur Debert, co-author of Tweener, has just posted a few tips on using some specific Tweener features. Sometimes, a few features not strictly related to tweening may not be immediately clear, so this is the kind of stuff that’s pretty useful; I still have to write similar posts too.

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Keita-kun – my favorite japanese-speaking person that I can actually understand – has just debuted his first major work for NON-GRID: the website for the REC YOU campaign. It’s a website for the new Sony Walkman, showing features of the walkman, attempting to show that it can do pretty much everything. It’s all in japanese, […]

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