New ImageLoader and LoadingQueue classes

I’ve finally found the time to add content to the Projects page of this website, and I’m gonna do it by introducing the ImageLoader class (actionscript 2 only). Simply put, import zeh.loading.ImageLoader; var myImgLoader:ImageLoader = new ImageLoader(whateverMC); myImgLoader.loadImage(“whatever.jpg”); What does make it different? Well, it uses BitmapData caching, handles its own loading queue with variable […]

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Papervision3D + Tweener = Cones

From the very start, one of the main aspects I wanted to focus on with Tweener was forgetting about the whole Actionscript/Flash API, forgetting there were “MovieClips” and “TextFields” and similar visual class instances. Instead, I wanted Tweener to be an engine focused on tweening any property of any object of any class, as long […]

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Nintendo on the Wii interface

The official Nintendo Wii website has an interview of sorts with the developers that created the channel functionality (and its interface) for their new console, the Wii. We decided to use the term “Channel” at about the same time we decided upon the panes. We were having some difficulty in pulling together all the different […]

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New Gringo website

The Gringo studio has a new website; check it out here (now a real portfolio, instead of a joke). The flash piece was procuded by Arthur Debert and Gabriel Laet, both from Gringo, and I helped creating some of the small website previews. Gringo is a web development studio located in São Paulo, Brazil. With […]

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A kuler color selector

Adobe labs has just unveiled kuler, a color selector application that allows designers to create harmonic color palettes. Although there are many other similar websites around (I used to like this and this), this one is built with Flash technology, has some pretty cool (visual!) color selection rules, and exports palettes in a way that […]

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PlayStation 3 runs Flash

Sony has just released the new PS3, and Chris Remo has just now his PS3 preview/review on the Shack. The semi-surprise is that the PS3 browser does run Flash content; see an screenshot here. This has been the center of a recent discussion on Flashcoders: whether or not the PS3 would run Flash. It seemed […]

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