Misc Tweener links and cool examples to look at

Here’s a few links that are long overdue. Jens Krause has an extension to use contrast, saturation and other color properties in Tweener. It’s based on Mario Klingemann’s ever helpful ColorMatrix class. The next version of Tweener will include similar special properties, although the internal implementation is pretty different (due to the fact that the […]

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Tweener transition cheat sheets

We’ll have so much to write about Tweener on the next few days that I figure I’ll split it into a few different posts and go slowly. This specific post is to say that we’ve finally published a more readable list of the available transitions on Tweener, in the form of a cheat sheet. See […]

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Litr Transition Class

Eduardo Costa (from Brazil) has just published a version of his new Litr Class. It’s a transition class for AS2 that features a slightly different syntax and a few custom built-in properties. All in all, another good choice for people interested in actionscript tweening.

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Tweener for vvvv

File this under the “odd” category: here’s Tweener for vvvv. Check out some sample source code: The patch pictured above makes a circle move from the left side to the right side of the GDI Rendering module, using an easeOutBack animation, in 1 second. If you’re asking “what the hell?”, I’ll just quote Wikipedia and […]

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Tweener for haXe

I’m delighted to announce that Baluta Cristian has ported Tweener to the haXe language. It works pretty much the same as the ActionScript versions, although with a slightly different syntax on some cases. Find out more about the project here. There are also other languages that haven’t seen the tweening light just yet – UnrealScript, […]

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…it’s here. It sure took its time. The jump from ActionScript 2.0 to ActionScript 3.0 is a big one. Despite bigger syntactical and structural similarities, it’s a much wider gap than the one we had to go through from ActionScript 1 to ActionScript 2 because it can’t be done gradually – old code is not […]

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Gringo is hiring Flash developers

Brazilian web studio Gringo.nu – the company I freelance for – is hiring Flash developers! Candidates looking to join their ranks should have vast experience in AS 1/2 and breath OOP. Having AS 3 knowledge/experience is a plus, but willingness to research and learn is even better. They should love what they do and be […]

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Many Papervision3D examples

How come I missed this? John Grden has published a lot of examples for Papervision3D on the Papervision3D blog. They’re not only pretty cool, but one of them uses Tweener to animate a target camera. I’ve always thought that learning by example is the best way to do it with Flash, and this new batch […]

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Papervision3D now public

Papervision3D – the popular group of actionscript classes for realtime 3d rendering in Flash – has moved to its new subversion server (hosted at Google Code) and is now “public”. Of course, it was possible to download Papervision3D previously by using the URL supplied when you joined their mailing list or mentioned on their wiki, […]

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Open Source Flash Conference today!

Don’t forget! The second Open Source Flash Conference will be held today (June 15th), starting at 11:00am Eastern Time (use the time zone converter, the world clock or world time zone to find the proper local time for you). This is an online conference using Breeze, so it’s not only free but you can also […]

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