Everybody’s equation hero Robert Penner has updated his easing equations page. Worth of note now is that his equations are now licensed under BSD, that he has added a few more links to the page and, more importantly, that he’s hosting the entire tweening chapter of his book on the site on the form of a PDF download. Great stuff.
As a result, I’ve updated MC Tween to version 2.28.29. Not much has changed, though – just the license information is included, and a new shortcut method (resizeTo). I’ve also added a few more links to the site (mentioning Robert Penner’s online chapter, licensing, etc) and making a PDF version of the documentation available also in the form of a PDF download (made by Armando Estrada).
Hopefully I’ll be able to make my AS2-native tweening extension public soon. I’ve been using it exclusively on a few projects and I think it’s coming out nicely although there’s no documentation whatsoever yet.