DOOM 3 GUI scripting tutorials

While I build enough willpower to read Colin Moock’s Essential Actionscript 2.0 and prepare to make the practical jump into AS2 & Flash 7.2, I’ve went back in time and started dealing with an script-like language for user interfaces and interactions… the GUI scripting system for DOOM 3, which gives me memories of coding for Flash 4. It’s not that bad, but it’s hackish like that. And it’s all code, so you can think of it as Flex for the DOOM 3 engine. 🙂

For Flash developers that are a bit curious about it and want to try something new, I’m publishing a series of related tutorials — really beginner stuff at this moment, but moving towards more complex stuff. I do compare it to other technologies such as Flash and HTML in the text, so it’s hopefully easier to stablish a parallel between what you know and the DOOM 3 GUI scripting system. The first three and a half are online, they even have pretty pictures and such.

Complete GUI Scripting – 0: A GUI script primer

Complete GUI scripting – 1: Your first GUI script

Complete GUI Scripting – 2: Using the built-in GUI editor

Complete GUI Scripting – 3: Preparing and importing assets (Cake Status Updater #1)

More in the near future.

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