Flash 8 officially announced, sort of released

So 8/8 has finally come, and Macromedia has officially announced the new version of Flash. Surprisingly, the new IDE isn’t called Flash MX 2005 – my personal bet – nor Flash MX 2, but actually Flash 8. To tell the truth, I thank Macromedia for this decision; product branding and all that is very important, […]

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UI designer speaks: Ed Moore on Medal of Honor

This is quite old, but since I’m on the subject of user interface design on FPS games, I was researching a little more on the thing and found a designer diary about the user interface design decisions involved in EA Games’ Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault. It’s wrote by Ed Moore, Multiplayer Design Lead on […]

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Go get a job in the game industry!

Just because I’ve been kind of following this on the past few months/years, I figured I’d post a little about it: the game industry is changing, and with the current wave of evolution of games and game engines, user interface design is becoming more and more of an issue. While most of the skills of […]

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Online Gaming Zeitgeist

Okey, it’s finally online, public, and on a more-or-less stable state: the Online Gaming Zeitgeist. What this site does is gather the number of players online for several first-person shooters games through GameSpy’s stats page and save them to a database. Later, it creates some graphs showing the fluctuation of players from one game to […]

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Flash 8 pictures galore

This is already all around the inter-web, but just to keep up with the recent post about Flash 8, here it goes: Aral Balkan has posted a lot of pictures from the most recent presentation given by Macromedia at FiTC – talking about Flash 8/8ball. They’re mostly from the IDE and give some new clues […]

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Flash as a game platform

Wow, talk about a real gem of an article I’ve ran into. I was checking the referrers from one of my sites and found this article by Scott Bilas. To quote, This paper is the story of the Oberon development team’s experiences with building games in Flash. All of us came from big games where […]

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ICQ2GO is now based on Flash 7

This is probably late news, but still a surprise to me: the new web-based ICQ client – known as ICQ2GO – is now based on Flash 7. Previous versions were Java-based, and to my experience it managed to barely run on Netscape/Mozilla browsers or on Mac systems – I expect the new version to be […]

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