Eric Decker on creating a 3d engine

Nowadays it’s often that I find somebody talking about something or doing something that I wish I was doing myself – but that I can’t for a number of reasons (one of them being the fact that I’ve just moved and I don’t have a real computer and Internet connection at home). The latest installment […]

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Tweener, 4 years later – A post mortem

Another post that has been a long time in the making. From the start. Until a few years ago, whenever I needed some kind of animation added to the Flash-based work I developed, I used an ActionScript tweening extension I created called MC Tween. This extension was created strictly according to my own tastes; other […]

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The obligatory post-EDTED post

I’ve just returned from EDTED (formerly EWD) São Paulo, where I gave the same presentation I gave last month at EWD Rio de Janeiro. Awesome event as usual, and I think my presentation was alright. Thanks to everybody who attended, it was a huge honor to be there. This post is more to let people […]

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Talking tomorrow: Encontro de Webdesign

Like I mentioned earlier, tomorrow I’ll be at Rio de Janeiro at the 14th Encontro de Webdesign (“Webdesign Meeting”), giving a presentation whose title translates to something like “Rich interfaces as tools for public involvement”. It’s basically a talk that aims to show why and how rich interface platforms (Flash and others) can be used, […]

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Online applications: raster image editors

One of the topics I’ve delved the most into while creating my graduation project last year was web-based applications – “application-like” websites in which you can do tasks that were usually restricted to full-fledged applications you usually have to install on your own computer. In my opinion, there’s this silent revolution going on, where we’re […]

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