This is the first post I’m doing using WordPress as a blogging software – the old one used Movable Type and is no more. I was sick of having to clean comment spamming from the site – even using MT-BlackList to catch up most of the spamming, I still had to log in just to clean up and add new words to it. The process of moving the content and the templates has been anything but easy – I already had to create a new plugin just to display my category icons like it used to do on MovableType – and there’s still a lot that need to be fixed, not mentioning making sure the old links still work, but I’m liking it so far. From what I’ve seen, WordPress is a lot less crazy than MovableType, and it’s done on PHP, so it’ll be easier to do a few changes (or install some plugins) to prevent bulk comment adding.
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Love your blog, have been lurking here for a while. I too switched from MT to WP. If you have any problems or questions, let me know, I’m quite sure I’ll be able to help you 🙂
Thanks a lot, Joen!
Fortunatelly, everything’s running fine until now.